NaCl is a reflection of balance, composed of both a positive and negative charge.
NaCl is a reflection of the body; salt is as necessary for survival as water.
NaCl is a reflection of the user. It’s relationship with the user ‘in every square inch is externalized’.
NaCl is a reflection of the climate. It is transient shelter borne from the sea & returns to the sea in time.
NaCl is a reflection of the topography, reading and negotiating the landscape.
NaCl is a reflection of time. As prior units erode, latter units are excavated.
NaCl is a reflection of season. The units literally dissolve within a single surfing season; fall, winter, spring.
NaCl is more than a reflection of the is the sea.
NaCL is comprised entirely of Moroccan salt, either pressed or excavated blocks of halite, the mineral form of NaCl. Halite forms in isometric crystals, assuming the purest form of the cube. These cubes are sailed along the coast of Morocco and deposited on the Tarifan coast, leaving zero ecologial footprint in the construction methodology.
As the coastal dunes undulate, so does NaCl, causing the settlement to nod to the surrounding Penibaetic System mountain range. As the tide departs, it takes portions of the housing with it. Iterations of the housing last a single surfing season, and dissolve with the tide by the
summer; off season for Tarifa surfing.
Individual users sculpt their housing in total freedom. Each resident meets their own wishes and can respond directly to the climate, light, water, wind and smell of salt.
NaCl is reminiscent of the prehistoric caves of Cueva del Moro and one can only assume constructed the same way; units are generated solely by users and the ravages of time.
Water is generated passively; the user carves an apeture and receptacle where water is desired, capturing the rain or condensation accordingly.
Light is generated simply from the wall thickness of translucent halite,
or full puntures such as at the hearth|altar.